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Being on a Seesaw

Opening reception:

Friday, June 7, 6-10pm

June 7, 2019 - June 29, 2019


Ariel Cavalcante Foster | Gabriella Grill | Sara Allen Prigodich

In Being on a Seesaw, Ariel Cavalcante Foster, Gabriella Grill and Sara Allen Prigodich investigate the construction and renovation of identity through sculpture and printmaking.

In Foster’s practice, her body is a sentient machine repetitively arranging a collection of printing blocks and pressing the ink into the fabric through her physical labor. Her works are the result of conscious and subconscious decisions, picking up blocks and placing them down, often guided by music in the studio.

Grill considers lineages and shared histories by giving new life to the outdated fashion of second-hand items. She pulls impressions of the past by casting thrifted dishes in silicone and quilts the casts with bits of fabric sourced from clothing. Her finished works are amalgamations of the fashion and values of multiple eras. She considers them monuments to a collective cultural identity.

Prigodich’s diminutive, bodily forms evoke sympathy for the fleshy ceramic that is propped, split, and contained by tiny, gridded scaffolding. To Prigodich, these teetering sculptures reference memory’s ability to mutate, restructure reality and erode the truth - all that’s left over is bare bones and masses that barely hold up.

Being on a Seesaw was curated and organized by Morgan Hobbs

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